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In May 2023, the World Health Organization declared that the Covid-19 pandemic was no longer an international health emergency.
The information on the website is no longer regularly updated.


Last update 17.05.2021

The most common symptoms of the Covid-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus are signs of a respiratory disease (fever, cough, sore throat, and difficulty breathing). These symptoms are usually mild and develop gradually. Some people can get infected and yet not show any signs of the disease. Most people (around 80%) recover from the disease without the need of hospitalisation. Roughly 1 person in every 6 people who become infected with Covid-19 experiences a severe course of the disease, developing severe fever and serious breathing problems. Older people and persons with medical problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, or diabetes are more likely to develop a more severe condition.

If you have been diagnosed with Covid-19

In case of a positive test, the patient will be contacted by an SPKC epidemiologist. The patient must comply with the following conditions:

  1. in case of a positive test, act responsibly and immediately identify and inform possible contact persons, even before receiving a call from an SPKC epidemiologist;
  2. call your GP for instructions on further treatment. When contacting your GP, provide information about your medical condition as accurately as possible and follow all the advice given by your doctor;
  3. observe strict isolation! It is not permitted to leave the place of treatment, residence, or stay, unless the person needs medical assistance in accordance with a doctor’s prescription;
  4. do not expose other persons to the risk of infection! Avoid being in direct contact with other people (do not receive guests, do not go on private visits, to work, public places and premises);
  5. isolation can only be stopped with the permission of your doctor!
  6. Whether the person with confirmed Covid-19 infection is being treated in a hospital or at home, the people living together with the patient are subject to home quarantine.
If your condition is getting worse

If your symptoms become severe (very high temperature, severe cough, shortness of breath), call the State Emergency Medical Service immediately at 113.

! Also in this circumstance, do not go to a medical institution without notifying them via phone beforehand.

The course of treatment

This disease is caused by a virus, meaning that there is no specific treatment for it and that it is treated like any other virus -- based on the patient's clinical condition. Your doctor will assess your condition and decide what measures are appropriate for relieving and reducing your symptoms.

Antibiotics do not have any effect on the new coronavirus; however, they can be used if other bacterial infections have developed. This will be decided by the doctor! The use of any medicine must be coordinated with your GP, in order to reduce the risk of possible side effects and complications. The duration of treatment depends on the severity and course of the disease.


Any contact with persons over 60 years of age and/or treating chronic diseases (e.g. hypertension, cardiac disorders, diabetes, etc.) must be avoided whilst under the treatment and regimen prescribed by your doctor.

The patient is considered healthy once the clinical symptoms have resolved. The decision on the patient’s state of health is made by the GP.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, the provision of regular inpatient and outpatient healthcare services will provisionally continue. Medical facilities, physicians, and patients must follow the applicable rules for providing and receiving the services. At present, each medical institution individually decides on the provision of planned services depending on the epidemiological situation.

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